해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ochine Single Wristband Playbook Map Case Wrist Map Holder, Waterproof Hiking Map Pouch Holder Document Dry Bag Holder Tactical Pouch Case for Outdoor Hiking Climbing Fishing Camping Accessories

상품번호 B0B5TPPN4X
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상품구분 Sports & Outdoors / Hunting & Fishing
브랜드 Brand: Ochine
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $5.99
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Single Wristband Playbook Map Case Wrist Map Holder, With PVC material transparent cover design, waterproof and protect the tactics board.The coach basketball board is made of elastic fabric material which is durable and strong.The teaching board\'s wristband is breathable and comfortable to wear.The nylon clasp has a long service life, can be used repeatedly, and firmly pastedGreat for baseball but also for other sports activities like football and soccer.
Single Wristband Playbook Map Case Wrist Map Holder, Waterproof Hiking Map Pouch Holder Document Dry Bag Holder Tactical Pouch Case for Outdoor Hiking Climbing Fishing Camping Accessories Specifications: Material: Elastic fabric Size:10.5x16cm Color:Black,dark blue Gender:Men,women,unisex Weight:55g Packaging size:16x11x1cm Sport Type:Football,soccer,basketball Features: 1. The coach basketball board is made of elastic fabric material which is durable and strong. 2. With PVC material transparent cover design, waterproof and protect the tactics board. 3. The teaching board\'s wristband is breathable and comfortable to wear. 4. The nylon clasp has a long service life, can be used repeatedly, and firmly pasted 5. Great for baseball but also for other sports activities like football and soccer. Package Included: 1pc Single Wristband Playbook Map Case Wrist Map Holder Note: 1. In Manual measurement, the size will have a 0.5-2mm error, subject to the actual item. 2. Due to differences in light and screen, the color of the goods may be slightly different from the picture.

2024-06-06 02:14:27

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