해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AYIN Ghillie Suit For Men, Hunting Suits 3D Leaf Bush Gillie Suit Camo Turkey Hunting, Hooded Gillies Camo Hunting Suits

상품번호 B0B5VX5DV2
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상품가격 $47.99
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Ayin Ghillie Suit 3D Leafy Camo Hunting Suits, Woodland Gilly Suits Hooded Gillies Suits for Adults or Youth, Leaf Camouflage Hunting Suits for Hunting, Shooting, Airsoft Softest and Quietest in the Industry - AYIN ghillie 3D leafy hunting suits are made from premium 100% polyester, They are ultra-quite breathable and comfortable for all day wear. The material is shaped along the edges for a 3D leafy design so it makes for excellent camouflage. Secure Closures - Our jacket snap design is easy to open and stays closed, so no more worries about noisy, kinking or stuck zippers. Our elastic and drawstring adjustable waistband fits your body better, and elastic band at your wrists and ankles makes it easy to roll up sleeves and or keep your suit in place over your boots and gloves without it riding up on you during any kind of movement or stalking. Attached Hood with Draw cord for convenience and concealment. Multi-Purpose – AYIN Ghillie suits are designed for adult or youth hunting, airsoft, shooting, wildlife photography, woodland or Halloween costume play. Great gifts for Halloween, Christmas and New Year. 3 Sizes to Choose From – Ayin Ghillie 3D leafy suits are designed to be worn on top of heavy outerwear or lightweight shirt and pants. Size S/M Chest 52” Sleeve 33” Waist 24”-36”. Size L/XL Chest 58” Sleeve 35” Waist 30”-44”. Size 2XL/3XL Chest 62” Sleeve 36” Waist 34”-53”. Our recommendation is to choose the normal size you wear. This will give you the option of wearing just a shirt and pants underneath our 3D leafy suit or bulky layers. Two Sided Printing – Our double sided camouflage design, gives our 3D leafy suit the ultimate in realistic concealment. Allowing you to blend in to your surroundings with ease.

2024-09-05 22:39:18

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