해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DC Electronic Load 120V/120A/600W IT8513C+

상품번호 B0B5ZGG5Z4
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상품가격 $1,680.00
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【Programmable DC Load】0~120V/0~120A/0~600W; Resolving: 0.1mV/1mA; Size: 2U; Optional RS232/USB interface (If you need to connect the dc load to a PC, the IT-E122 USB or IT-E121 RS232 communication interface module is necessary)【List Function】You can use this function to edit a test program consisting of multiple steps: step counts, time width of single step, step value and slope, then the load will automatically run according to the setting value and save the test data automatically. List mode allows you to generate a complex current sequence to accomplish dynamic and precise test which can save cost for you.【Battery Discharge Test】After selecting the discharge test mode, you can set termination conditions of test mode: "cut-off voltage", "cut-off capacity" and "cut-off time". When any of the three conditions are met, discharge test will be stopped, the load will be automatically switched to OFF status. During the test, you can observe and save the voltage, time and discharged capacity of the battery.【Remote Sense】Thers is a remote measurement terminal at the rear panel of the dc load. When the electronic load consumes a higher current, it will generate a larger voltage drop between the connected device and terminals of the load, and this function can compensate for voltage drops in the load leads. You can use this terminal to measure the output terminal voltage of DUT to get more accurate measurement data.【Package Contents】Programmable DC Electronic Load, Certificate, User Manual, Calibration Report, Power Cord ( Notice: The Red and Black Test Line and Communication Module are optional accessories, not standard accessories, you can buy these two products in ITECH Electronic store)【Pre-sales Consulting】If you don\'t know what model is right for you, please contact us for professional advice.【100% Customer Satisfaction】Every dc electronic load has undergone precision test, aging test, stability test and other multiple tests before leaving the factory, we guarantee its quality. If there is a problem with the device, please contact our technical support. One year warranty, 180 days extended warranty for product registration on the official website.

2024-07-10 18:53:43

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