해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
WX11 Electric Wheelchairs for Adults Reclining Foldable Electric Wheelchair, All Terrain Motorized Wheelchair for Adults Portable Folding Power Wheel Chair - Silla de Ruedas Electrica (Black)

상품번호 B0B6321CD3
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Mobility & Daily Living Aids / Mobility Aids & Equipment
브랜드 Brand: ActiWe
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $1,599.00
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【RECLINABLE】Our newly designed, stylish powered wheelchair is reclinable and backrest of the wheelchair can be adjusted manually from 90° to 160°. ActiWe reclining electric wheelchair equipped with detachable and adjustable headrest. You can adjust the backrest and headrest to obtain the most comfort while driving or resting.【USER-FRIENDLY】Our chair can be used in electric or manual mode. When you flip the red lever to the manual mode you can push the chair like a traditional wheelchair. The joystick can be mounted on the left or right hand, and the length can be adjusted to fit the user. It has three separate storage. One is located back of the the seat and two armrest bags. The wheelchair has a high-density single-cell foam seat that is breathable and can be removed to clean.【POWERFUL & HEAVY DUTY】ActiWe travel wheelchairs for adults lightweight foldable has two powerful 300 W DC motors (total 600 Watts of power) that perform efficiently on all-terrain, can travel at speeds up to 4 mph, and are strong enough to weigh capacity up to 330 lbs. It has four spring suspension shocks to provide an easy ride over all terrains.【LONG-RANGE】Our wheel chair has a robust, light weight, high-volume Lithium-Ion Battery that will allow you to travel up to 20 miles ( for 20 Ah of battery capacity) with a single full charge. Ergonomic light weight wheelchairs for transport.【ELECTROMAGNETIC BRAKES】Our foldable motorized wheelchair for adults has an electromagnetic brake system that stops immediately after releasing your hand from joystick controller, does not slide, and is safe and reliable.【FOLDABLE & PORTABLE】ActiWe Electric Wheelchair can fold up in just 3 Seconds. You can effortlessly release the safety latch located at the back of the seat and collapse our portable wheelchair forward. Our power chair can fit even with the trunk of a small vehicle. This newly designed, stylish, ergonomic wheelchair is only 64 lb with batteries.【 WARRANTY 】 ActiWe mobility is proud of a US-based Company and committed to providing each customer with the highest standard of customer service. 30 day return policy, 1 year spare parts warranty and 6- months of battery warranty.<br>
────── Product Description ─────── The Next Generation first class of Reclining and Fold-able Electric Power Wheelchairs - an expertly designed and extremely well-crafted frame for comfortable riding, supporting users up to 330 pounds to not only meet but exceed the growing demands and expectations of users who cherish independence, mobility, and comfort. ─────── Key Product Features ─────── ★ Compact design, small turning radius 23.6", make it easy turning at home, happy and smooth operation for the user every day. ★Foldable and durable, based on independent laboratory testing, durable, very compact, can store even small car trunk. ★ Manual / electric dual-mode switching, which can be switched at any time as needed. ★ 360 degree Intelligent controller, stable start, stable gear shift. ★ The electromagnetic brake system stops immediately after being released, safe and reliable. ★ Stable non puncture, no flat rear wheels, anti-rollover, and bumpers provide safety, stability, and comfort. ★ Excellent US service provided, mail feedback within 24 hours, and if special need, please help to send us an Amazon system mail. ─────── Product Specifications ─────── ➥Colors: Black, Silver, Gold ➥Motor Type: 24V/300W*2 DC motor ➥ Lithium Battery Type: 24V/20 Ah ➥ Battery Charging Time: 6-8 Hours ➥ Maximum Speed: 4 mph ➥Travel Distance up to 20 miles ➥ Unfolded ( L x W x H ): 43" x 25" x 36" ➥ Folded ( L x W x H ): 35" x 14" x 30" ➥ Seat Height: 18\'\' ,Seat Width: 18”, Seat Depth: 17\'\' ➥ Wheelchair Weight: 64 lbs without battery ➥ Frame Material: Aluminum Alloy ➥ Weight Capacity: 330 lb ➥ Climbing Slope: 12° Max

2024-07-11 19:59:18

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