해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Portable Phone Clip Adjustable Crossbody Chain Phone Chain Accessories Metal Chain Phone case Lanyard Phone Lanyard Crossbody Rope (Cell Phone Clips and Chains(Silver White Color) X03)

상품번호 B0B63Q1X91
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상품구분 Cell Phones & Accessories / Accessories
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상품가격 $26.89
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1.Cater to the needs of the public: the new and improved BAIXUEJI. this portable phone clip, not only fashionable but also practical, suitable for daily use.2.BAIXUEJI This phone clip is designed to be adjustable and removable, so that it can reduce the pressure of dropping your phone. It is also beautiful, featuring young people who love new things.3.BAIXUEJI metal chain on the small ball can be adjusted to the length you want, can be used as a crossbody shoulder strap length can be adjusted and removed. It is perfect to carry with you when you go out shopping, to the gym, etc.4.BAIXUEJI Beautifully designed, it is a break from the traditional, simple leather phone case. It also comes with hanging metal chain and crossbody chain, making it more interesting and less monotonous. In addition, it can be installed with a protective case for your phone.5.BAIXUEJI phone clip fits all phones - it can be slung across the body and is adjustable to fit any phone. In addition, our priority is to provide excellent customer service, so if you have any questions or comments, please feel free to ask. We will get back to you as soon as possible.

2024-02-13 10:29:54

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