해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AMAKO Bouncing Bowl Creative Outdoor Sports Children's Decompression Toys Rubber Rotating Bouncing Bowl, HipHopJumps Half Bouncing Ball

상품번호 B0B64CB9SM
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Sports & Outdoor Play
브랜드 Brand: AMAKO
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $6.99
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【Fun】- Rotating touch the ground can bounce, creative bouncing bowl is fun little action toy. When you play with our annoying ball pop toy, you will have a lot of fun【High quality material】- Bouncing bowl small action toy is made of high quality rubber material, which is safe for both adults and children to use. It is soft, comfortable, portable and convenient. This small action toy can be used repeatedly and will not cause harm to people or pets, so you can buy it with confidence.【Stress relieving toys】 Bouncing bowls have a variety of ways to play, which can develop children\'s intelligence while satisfying their curiosity and exercising their logical thinking and hands-on skills. It has a suppressive effect on children suffering from adhd and has a helpful effect on developing the intelligence of infants and toddlers.【Suitable for all occasions】- Anxiety relief stress small action toy can be played anywhere, suitable for home, school, office, party, travel and parent-child games, etc. It is easy to carry to relieve stress and make the body and mind happy poppers.

2024-05-15 04:02:44

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