해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
8Pcs 3" 4" 6" Piston Ring Compressor, Car Engine Piston Ring Compressor Tool with Pliers, Hex key and Stainless Steel Feeler Gauge, Piston Ring Installation Tool for Car Engine

상품번호 B0B6553G1M
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Automotive / Replacement Parts
브랜드 Brand: Worldity
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $23.99
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Value Package: There are 1 pcs 3" piston ring compressor, 1 pcs 4" piston ring compressor, 1 pcs 6" piston ring compressor, 1pcs piston ring pliers, 1 pcs feeler gauge and 3 pcs hex keys, total 8 pieces. 3 sizes for mechanic\'s daily engine rebuildAdjustable Diameter: 3" 4" 6" piston ring compressor can be freely adjusted to expand the piston ring during disassembly, 3" piston ring compressor adjustable diameter range: 53 mm - 175 mm; 4" piston ring compressor Adjustable diameter range: 53 mm - 175 mm; 6" piston ring compressor adjustment diameter range: 60 mm - 195 mmEasy To Use: Compared to previous slip rings by hand, we have provided piston ring pliers to make the job easier. Be sure the coiled metal is square to the top of the block before starting and keep downward pressure on it as you push the piston throughMultipurpose: Suitable for car engine, walk mower engine, diesel engine and tractor engine rebuild. Easily compressed the rings and the piston fit right into the cylinder by lubricating it with oil before use. Also hobbyists inexperienced with small engine rebuilds can slip in the pistons with easePremium Material: Made of spring steel, provides maximum strength and corrosion resistance for a long service life. The professionally recommended piston compressor tool can help you properly install the piston ring in the cylinder without worrying about twisting or damaging parts
8 Pcs 3" 4" 6" Piston Ring Compressor and Adjustable Piston Installation Tool/b> Package: 1 pcs 3" piston ring compressor 1 pcs 4" piston ring compressor 1 pcs 6" piston ring compressor 1 pcs piston ring pliers 1 pcs feeler gauge 3 pcs hex keys Specifications: Material: spring steel Size: as picture shows IMPORTANT: 1. When you receive the item, please kindly unpack to check if it was not damaged in transition. 2. Our all items are come with 360 days after-sale service, if you do have any questions, please don’t worry and contact us immediately, we are happy to serve you for a long time

2025-01-12 01:44:53

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