해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
1.5-Gallon Metal Ash Bucket with Lid, Shovel, Broom - For Fireplaces, Wood Stoves

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상품가격 $27.59
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Mini-sized Ash Bucket: The Coal/Pellet bucket offers a small sleek design which is perfect for mini fire pits. The bucket measures 6.3" x 8.5" x 12.6" that doesn’t take up much space and still does its job. Perfect for fireplaces, fire pits, hearths, grills, and More.Attractive and Multi-purpose: Functional design makes the task of ash storage and hearth cleaning easier. An ash bucket can also be a great addition to home decor, as buckets that have an attractive design always look nice sitting on the edge of any fireplace. Use it to safely clean up ash, coals and embers or to store kindling wood, coal, or other fireplace items.Make Your Life Easier: You get the benefit of not lugging wood, coal, or ashes in or out all night long in the freezing weather. To make your fireplace or stove work like you want it to, try the myfireplacedirect Black Ash bucket and Shovel Set.Solid Build Double Insulation: The ash bucket is made up of quality steel and powder, the materials used in the manufacture of this pail are of high quality, ash bucket is aslo double insulated, which makes this ash bucket more durable. The steel ensures that no heat goes through. It will keep your ground safe and undamaged. It will be at your service for a very long time.All in One Bucket Set: The ash bucket set treats you with a cute lid, a wooden handle shovel and broom. (PARTS INSIDE)The Shovel and broom all have a wooden handle that won\'t transfer heat like metal. This ash bucket is also equipped with wooden handles, which makes it easier for you to carry it around, without hurting or burning your hands.

2025-01-12 09:21:40

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