해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
JAXPETY 31.5" Modern Round Tulip Table White Dining Table Mid-Century Leisure Table with Pedestal Base for Living Room Kitchen Coffee Shop Home Office

상품번호 B0B6HYMY2S
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상품가격 $125.99
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【Modern Design】: Simple and graceful, this tulip table combines mid-century style with modern simplicity aesthetics, fits with your home décor nicely. It is compatible with living room, office, or leisure corners of coffee bar.【Premium Material】: Constructed with premium MDF board as well as iron base, this round table is sturdy and stable to hold 250 lbs. The FRP foot mat under the base prevents sliding on floor and protects the floor from being scratched.【Sturdy & Durable】: The diameter of the round base is 19.7", with a steel pole connecting the table-top and the base to ensure a stable support with a large load capacity.【Versatile Round Table】: The spacious yet compact design of this round dining table makes your home neater. The table top is spacious to seat 2 - 4 people, and can be use as dining table, leisure table or office table. It is also great for small space.【Easy Assembly with Manual】: According to a clear-illustrated instruction, this table is easy to assemble with one person in 10 - 20 minutes. NOTE: 3 packages for a complete order.

2024-06-06 15:14:18

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