해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Cheerlife LTE Filter for TV Antenna - Filters 4G 5G LTE Signal to Reduce Interference and Pixilation for Clear Reception - TV Antenna Filter (AT-740)

상품번호 B0B6TNX387
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상품구분 Electronics / Television & Video
브랜드 Brand: Cheerlife
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 19.99
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Blocks interference from 3G/4G/5G cellular phones and transmitters which can cause intermittent channel loss, pixilation and overall reception disruption.Pass Band: 5-609MHz; Block Band: 630-2000MHz; Out of Band Rejection: 609-630MHz; Insertion loss: <3dB; Connector: F-TypeCompatible with all televisions and receiversZinc die-cast housing and fully shield design, provides you with consistently clear, pure reception of HDTV channels.Quick & easy set-up.
Tips: 1.Re-scan the channels after finishing the connecting. 2.Scan channels monthly to find all available channels including newly added or changed. 3.The Antop 5G filter AT-740 is for indoor use only. Please do not expose the product to rain or moisture to prevent fire or shock hazard. 4.If a power supply kit is used in connecting the filter and an amplifier, and it is inserted on the downward lead of the splitter, please make sure the splitter supports power pass through. SPECIFICATION Pass Band: 5-609MHz Block Band: 630-2000MHz Insertion Loss: <3dB Out of Band Rejection: 609-630MHz DC Pass: 300mA max Connector Type: F-female Color: Zinc LTE Filter Size: 2.95 x 1.04in LTE Filter Weight: 0.10lb

2024-10-01 01:03:43

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