해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wavytalk Ionic Hair Dryer Blow Dryer with Diffuser Concentrator Nozzles Comb and Holder for Easy Storage Negative Ions with Ceramic Technology as Salon Light and Quiet 1875W for All Hair Types

상품번호 B0B6VQ6CQV
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상품가격 $42.79
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【5 New Attachments Upgraded to Meet Various Needs】Includes 1 Concentrator makes hair straighter and smoother, 1 Diffuser maintains in curly hair, 1 Straightening Comb Nozzles manage frizzy hair easier and 1 Holder convenient to storage hair dryer, 1 Hair clip can help you organize unwanted hair and give you an elegant look easily and quickly! Removable filter cap makes it easier to clean stains and keep the blow dryer clean.【1875 Watt Powerful Motor for 2X Faster Blowdry】Wavytalk hair dryer is equipped with an efficient ADC motor and advanced internal aerodynamics that ensure strong and steady airflow. Paired with the constant heat, it drastically cuts blowdry time by speeding up the evaporating process. Faster drying means time-saving and less damage to your hair.【Constant but not Extreme Temperature】This 1875 Watt hairdryer takes control with 3 temperature settings, 2 airflow speeds including a cool shot. (Just press the cool shot button to release cool air. No need to hold it while blowing. ) The variable settings are designed for customizing heat and airflow as you like and for flexibility of use and salon-quality results.【Negative-ion for Preserving Moisture】Wavytalk salon blow-dryer emits high-concentration negative iron of 6000/cm3 while blowing. They interact with the H2O molecules on your damp tresses, breaking them up into smaller particles. This makes the water evaporate from your hair quicker while locks in the moisture of your hair. With this professional hair dryer, a perfect sleek, smooth and stylish blowout will never be difficult.【Lightweight for Effortless Blowdry & Dual Protection with Thermostat and Fuse】This dryer features a small size and lower weight of 1.45lb compared with many regular ones, while still harnesses impressive power to rapidly dry all hair types. It sets to automatically shut down when the temperature is too high in case the blowing-dryer is covered by cloth or papers when it is working. Its feature coupled with an ALCI safety plug gives you more peace of mind if you forget to turn off this dryer.

2024-07-10 07:25:16

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