해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Mueller Pro-Series All-in-One, 12 Blade Mandoline Slicer for Kitchen, Food Chopper, Vegetable Slicer and Spiralizer, Cutter, Dicer, Grater, Kitchen Gadgets Sets with Container, White Sand/Dark Grey

상품번호 B0B72DL8KL
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상품가격 $39.99
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Meal Prep MVP - A practical and innovative way to dice, slice, julienne, grate or spiralize your vegetables and fruits. With the Ultimate salad chopper/slicer & spiralizer for veggie noodles preparing your favorite dishes for your whole family is no longer a chore. Made with premium materials like grade 420 stainless steel blades and food-grade bpa-free materials, it\'s the perfect tool to make home cooked meals easier and faster.12 Diverse Blades - With 8 interchangeable blades, the french fry cutter for potatoes offers the functionality of multiple kitchen tools all in one, unique kitchen gadget with a bonus adjustable Spiralizer for extra versatility. Make use of the 4 blade options of the Spiralizer for colorful veggie pasta, shapely salads, and gorgeous garnishes. The high-quality stainless-steel blades will create perfectly chopped onions, tomatoes, and peppers for salsa, or slice cabbage for coleslaw in no time.Innovative Design - Free-up countertop space with the Food Container. Use the Food Holder while cutting small vegetables and fruits. This prevents food from slipping while slicing it. It also makes it clean, safe, and easy to work with. No more hassles of washing and wiping. Dismantle it and just put it in dishwasher. Cleans easily in minutes with the complementary scrubbing fork. Its compact size allows you to store it almost anywhere.Improves Your Health And Saves Time – Busy lifestyles make us fall into the fast-food trap. It can take a lot of time and effort to dice, chop and slice the ingredients of a desired dish. Our multi-functional household essentials make this process less time-consuming making it easier to add vegetables to your meals. That being said, you’re less likely to reach for unhealthy options. From now on, enjoy having more time for your family without missing out on any of the important nutrition.Live Customer Care – Talk to us via out toll-free number or live chat, not by email like our competitors. Mueller believes in making life easier, better and more enjoyable in all that we do. In the unlikely event that you don’t love your Chopper/Slicer & Spiralizer we will give you a replacement or a full refund. Our unparalleled 24/7 live telephone customer support is ready and waiting to assist with anything you need!

2024-10-02 14:49:09

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