해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Aureday Phone Tripod Stand, 64” Extendable Cell Phone&Camera Tripod with Wireless Remote and Phone Holder, Aluminum iPad Tripod for Video Recording/Selfies/Live Stream/Vlogging Black

상품번호 B0B76FDYNQ
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상품가격 $23.98
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【Multi-functional Tripod Kit】Aureday\'s versatile tripod performs well with a wide range of devices, including smartphones, point-and-shoot cameras, and other small cameras. Additionally, the tripod has a sturdy tablet Holder that lets you mount a tablet to the tripod. Ideal for photographers, vloggers, YouTube, family gatherings, and live streaming.【Incredibly Lightweight & Durable】: If you need a sturdy travel tripod that won’t weigh you down, this is the one. The upgraded tripod is made of high-quality aluminum alloy, providing stable and secure support even on the roughest of terrain. It weighs only 540g/1.2 lbs, easy to stow away with you. With the water-resistant carrying bag, it’s made for outdoor activities.【Extendable Height & 3-way Pan Head】With quick flip locks on the legs, the height is freely adjustable and fully extensible from 17 inches to 64 inches. The 3-way pan head and dual built-in bubble view levels are ideal for precise framing, and the 360-degree swivel functions allow you to easily take superb panoramic shots or switch from portrait to landscape mode.【2-in-1 Universal Phone and Tablet Holder】The 2-in-1 clip breaks through the limitations of traditional design, and integrates the adaptability of different devices. Not only compact and sturdy, but also easy to be extended from 2.5in-8.7in wide, compatible with iPad mini, iPad, iPad Air, iPad Pro, and many other tablets. For smartphones like iPhone6, 6s, 7, 7plus, 8, 8plus, x, XR, xs, xs max, iPhone 11, 12, 13, 4series/Samsung, Xiaomi, Huawei, etc.【Wireless Remote Shutter】lt works with smartphones running iOS higher than iOS 6.0 and Android 4.2.2 within a 10 m/33 ft effective range. You may easily record significant life events with your own hands with such a quick response time and reliable connectivity.

2024-05-17 03:29:36

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