해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ice Roller for Face and Body Massage, Facial Roller Skin Care Tool for Reduce Wrinkles and Puffiness, Migraine Pain Relief and Skin Tighten, Cold Therapy for Cooling and Calming(Green)

상품번호 B0B7D3V6RG
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상품구분 Beauty & Personal Care / Tools & Accessories
브랜드 Brand: Wonderwin
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $5.99
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After getting up in the morning, use the ice roller to massage your face, eyes and neck to eliminate facial dropsy and give you a fresh day.Practical Design : This ice roller have ergonomic design handle, with non-slip ABS material, lightweight, easy and convenient to grasp and hold; the big roller head filled in water and cooling ice beads, the smooth surface and ice cooling will have better effect for you.Safe & Convenient : This ice roller is battery-free, noise-free, non-toxic and waterproof, so you can wash it and use it anywhere and anytime.Skin Care and Healthy Care: This ice roller can help you solve your many skin issues like: Reduce wrinkles, puffiness, eliminate dark circles and eye bags, and shrink pores; it is also a cold therapy to reduce irritation and redness; it is also a massager to promote blood circulation and make you relax.Perfect Gift: The ice roller suitable for any ages and any skin types, it is a perfect gift to your family and friends or any other person who need it.
ICE ROLLER FROM WONDERWIN Ice roller is a hand held device, the roller head filled in ice cooling beads and water. Put the roller head in the freezer about 15 minutes or longer time. You can use it anywhere and anytime to revitalize, refresh and rejuvenate the skin. If you feel fatigue or not comfortable, you can use the ice roller to massage your face, eyes or anywhere on your body to relief fatigue and make you feel relax, re-energizes yourself instantly. HOW THE ICE ROLLER WORKS? Put the roller head in the freezer, then take it out and use it on our face or body. The cold feeling will cause constriction in the skin, resulting in a shrinking effect on the appearance of pores and blood vessels. The cold feeling will transfer heat our of the injured area for instant pain relief, calm and sooth the skin. PACKING LIST: 1X Ice Roller; 1X Wipe Cloth; 1X Color Box; 1X User Manual; HOW TO USE IT ? 1.Remove the roller and and clean it, then put it in a clean bag; 2.Put the roller head in the freezer about 15 minutes or longer; 3.When you need it, just take it out from freezer and re-install it to the handle; 4.Just enjoy the cooling and calming massaging effects on your face and body. Please note: you can use the wipe cloth to wipe the dirt or water droplets on the roller head.

2024-09-30 16:43:44

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