해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Weighted Eye Mask Migraine Headache Relief Ice Cap, Reusable Head Wrap Cold Pack, Head Ice Pack Cap Hot/Cold Therapy Soft Eye Mask for Puffy Eyes, Sinus, Tension & Stress - Non-Toxic Latex Free

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상품구분 Health & Household / Health Care
브랜드 Brand: Penguin Fingers
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $21.95
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Warm and Cold Therapy Compress – A wearable cap that can be slipped over the head and eyes this ice pack head wrap provides much-needed relief from tension headaches, migraines, and sinus pressure by slowing natural nerve conduction.Stretchy, Form-Fitting Compression – Our migraine relief cap is made with a soft, flexible neoprene material that’s easy to wrap around the head, forehead, eyes, and all the way to the cheeks, so you can enjoy soothing relief where it matters most.Stay Relaxed and Minimize Distractions – Wearing a [Brand] cold and hot compress over the eyes and head can block out light and distractions that further exacerbate your headaches. This allows you to focus on recovery without added stimulation.Relieve Headaches and Migraines Fast – Lightweight and comfortable enjoying a hot or cold therapy compress ice pack head wrap can help relieve pain behind the eyes, temples, and back of the head so you can start feeling like yourself again quickly.Gentle and Supportive Design – A one-size-fits-most design our head ice pack wrap can be kept in the freezer or warmed up in the microwave to provided two different types of therapeutic support. Ideal for helping restore your natural physical balance.
Penguin Fingers Headache hat, cold/warm head wraps help relieve migraines, headaches, and puffy eyes while restoring your ability to focus, relax, and be productive. When you’re suffering from debilitating headaches or migraines it can be tough to get back on track, stay focused, and stay productive. While there are options out there to help relieve tension it doesn’t always work quickly or effectively, especially if you’re sensitive to light or outside distractions. That’s why we developed the Penguin Fingers Hot and Cold Gel Head Wrap which can be used for cool and warm compression therapy to so you can start relieving that pain and discomfort quickly. Lightweight, flexible, and form-fitting these head wraps provide multiply ways to help you and your head get back on track, so you can stay productive and focused when it matters most. Product Details: Hot and Cold Gel-Infused Head Wrap Flexible, Form-Fitting Compression Freezer and Microwave Safe Materials Gentle on Soft, Sensitive Skin and Hair Provides Enhanced Head and Face Coverage Helps Reduce Pain and Inflammation Unisex (Men and Women) Get one of our premium gel-infused head wraps today and start relieving painful headaches and migraines fast before they wear you down.

2024-09-28 11:37:58

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