해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
UnionSine Desktop External Hard Drive 12TB USB3.2Gen2 Type-C 3.5" HDD Storage Compatible for PC, Mac, TV, Desktop, Laptop(Black) HD3510

상품번호 B0B7RT84Z3
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상품가격 $210.99
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Large Capacity: Vertical external hard disk does not take up space, high-speed transfer speed is easily used for PC office, 4K video image storage, TV recording and game storageTechnical Support: With the support of MTC multi-layer caching technology, this mechanical hard drive can load applications/files faster, and provide better reading writing performance. Theoretical read speed up to 160MB/s and write speed up to 110MB/sSystem Compatibility: Using USB-C 3.2 Gen2 type-C high-speed interface motherboard, compatible with TV/Windows/Mac/Linux/DVD/Android, 4K TV recording, multi-brand TVSafety: To optimize the current transfer efficiency, the cable has been upgraded to 22 AWG thick copper core. Internal use of anti-vibration silicon, fast heat dissipation, reduce noiseAccessories Content: Please Note, before connecting USB, please connect the power supply. Additional power supply, 1.2 m data cable, manual

2025-02-05 14:51:42

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