해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Super Fruit and Vegetable Supplements – Organic Whole Superfood Vitamins & Minerals – 90 Veggie and 90 Fruit Capsules for Women, Men, and Kids - Soy Free – Made in The USA

상품번호 B0B7YKG2KX
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WHOLE FOODS FRUITS & VEGGIES: Let’s face it, getting the proper amount of fruits and vegetables incorporated into our diet is a challenge. Packed with nature’s most nutritious vitamins and minerals, we can finally treat our bodies with the benefits of natural enzymes, antioxidants, fiber, and micronutrients to give us that extra boost and energy to support a healthy lifestyle.PACKED WITH ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS: Each serving of super fruits and veggies delivers 20 nutrient-dense vegetables and 32 mineral-rich fruits. Organic ingredients are a must-have, our ingredients are grown organically by sustainable and environmentally conscious farms. Organic nutrients are known to be more nutritious and stable which increases the efficacy to provide us with essential nutrients.MADE WITH HIGHER STANDARDS: - Skipping right over the fillers, preservatives, and additives, you can simply and effectively get a full range of 52 ultra-pure essential ingredients in two capsules. Experience nature’s most powerful antioxidants and essential nutrients for the ultimate immune boost needed to nourish your body and immune system to give you that extra boost.NATURES BEST – Antioxidants, minerals, and vitamins are key to healthy bodily functions and lifestyle. Our plant ingredients are 100% freeze-dried to optimally preserve heat-sensitive nutrients. Our fruits and veggies provide essential healing properties at a full-body range and are a powerhouse for the growth of cells and battling free radicals.QUALITY WITHOUT COMPROMISE – Formulated and Made in the USA by industry-leading professionals. Manufactured in a cGMP state-of-the-art facility, all products are 3rd-party tested for purity and potency and are always vegan and cruelty-free.

2024-09-04 21:33:23

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