해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Madamelique Turkish Beach Towel with Beach Bag - 39 x 74 - Prewashed Beach Towels Oversized -%100Cotton - Quick Dry - Sand Free - Hand Loomed Turkish Bath Towels - Unique Turkish Towel (Teal)

상품번호 B0B86LBQH9
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상품가격 $19.99
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TRAVEL FRIENDLY & SAND FREE: Our Turkish bath towels come with a crossbody bag made from Turkish cotton and waterproof dye. They come with uniquely designed double-sided straps so you can carry your towels in style wherever you go. Our towels are made with a flat weave that does not trap sand like traditional terry loop towels do, so you can say goodbye to sand on your car and bathroom floor.LUXURIOUSLY VERSATILE: Our Turkish beach towels are available in a range of colors that will brighten up your beach experience. They can be used in many ways – try them as a sarong, cover-up, shawl, blanket, or towel. Our unique designs, complete with thin hand-tied fringe and tassels, also give bathrooms and personal spaces a luxurious and decorative touch.SOFT & DURABLE: The softness of our Turkish towels is something you won’t find in any heavy cotton towels or linens. They are durable, made from premium Turkish cotton that gets softer with every wash. Our Turkish bath towels are pre-washed to help reduce fading and fraying.LIGHTWEIGHT QUICK DRY BEACH TOWEL: No more carrying around heavy, soaked bath towels. These Turkish bath towels are ultra-absorbent and quick-drying. Simply allow them to drip dry or spin on a gentle cycle. They are large and oversized, measuring 39”x72”, and lightweight at only 0.7 pounds.PREMIUM QUALITY: Our Turkish beach towels are made in Turkey from premium Turkish cotton. Our weavers utilize the traditional shuttle-loom style that has been passed down for generations. These Turkish bath towels are crafted from OEKO-TEX certified naturally dyed yarn without the use of harsh components, and are gentle on the skin.

2024-04-04 18:56:41

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