해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Burt's Bees Overnight Lip Sleeping Mask Stocking Stuffers, Exfoliating Scrub Restores, Hydrates & Smooths Lips to Reduce Fine Lines, Ceramide Infused Formula, Passionfruit + Ultra Conditioning(2-Pack)

상품번호 B0B8F2JZ7Y
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상품가격 $19.96
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LIP SCRUB SET: Includes one 0.25 oz. Burt\'s Bees Conditioning Lip Scrub to exfoliate and condition lips and one 0.25 oz. Burt’s Bees Overnight Intensive Lip Treatment to hydrate lips for up to 8 hoursGENTLY EXFOLIATE: Conditioning Lip Scrub gently exfoliates and conditions dry lips with honey crystals, while also getting them primed and ready for a smooth lip balm or lipstick applicationRESTORES AND NOURISHES LIPS: Overnight Intensive Lip Treatment moisturizes, conditions, smooths and helps support your lip’s natural moisture barrier while you sleepINFUSED AND ENRICHED: Vitamin E tingles your senses while the Ceramides Oils in the Overnight Intensive Lip Treatment maintain your lip’s natural moisture barrierREDUCE THE APPEARANCE OF FINE LINES: Reduce the look of fine lines on and around your lips while you sleep and wake up to lips that are ready for an even application of lip color or lip balmCLEAN INGREDIENTS: Formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrolatum and SLS, this is a 100% natural origin lip treatment that revitalizes and beautifies your lip with clean ingredients
Achieve soft, smooth lips with Burts Bees Overnight Lip Treatment for Dry Lips and Conditioning Lip Scrub with Nourishing Honey Crystals. Conditioning Lip Scrub gently buffs away rough, dry skin, while responsibly sourced beeswax conditions and hydrates. Next, indulge your lips in up to 8 hours of intensive moisture as Overnight Lip Treatment with essential ceramides and peppermint moisturizes, conditions, smooths, and hydrates your lips as you sleep. Ceramides help support a healthy lip skin barrier, and this lip treatment also helps reduce the look of fine lines on and around your lips. 100% natural origin, this lip treatment and conditioning scrub are formulated without parabens, phthalates, petrolatum, or SLS, and revitalize lips with clean ingredients. Recyclable carton and compact jars recyclable with TerraCycle. Burts Bees uses Landfill Free Operations and is also Leaping Bunny Certified

2024-10-02 16:05:18

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