해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MAXYOYO Japanese Bed Floor Mattress Futon Mattress Twin Bed Mattress Foam Mattress Topper Sleeping Pad Floor Bed Reversible and Foldable Mattress, Upgraded Ultra Soft Fluffy Single Beige Mattress

상품번호 B0B8HQSQZ5
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상품가격 $79.99
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Universal for all seasons: The reversible design makes it usable for adults (sleeping) and kids (sleeping/playing), one side is warm fluffy polyester fabric, which is suitable for winter; the other side is polyester fabric, suitable for summer. Specially quilted to provide extra sleeping hours by providing exquisite comfort and temperature control throughout the sleep cycleSquare Shape Quilting Design: An ergonomic design that is built to last a lifetime and allows you to sleep within the mattress without any sleep disturbance at all. The mattress pad could be used as bedroom futon mattress, floor mattress, carpet, tatami pad, also could be guest bed or tent mattressExcellent Material: The best property of this mattress is not what you see, but what is inside of it. With a special fluffy covering, polyester lining at the back and filled with three layers: Whole piece polyester + High-density base support foam + Whole piece polyester, the mattress provides you with extreme comfort and dense temperature control in all kinds of weatherFuton Mattress Size: Twin: 39" wide x 80" long. A twin size with 2 bandage allowing it easy transport from one place to another is just one feature. The futon mattress adopts double layer tape edge runs along the edges of the mattress surface, protecting against edge break-down. High side edge reinforces the support along the outer edges of the mattressKind Notice: Since the mattress is packed carefully for transportation, opening it the first time requires a little care. Once it is taken out of the box, it is to be patted gently and kept under the sun so it regains its original shape. Once you do so, it is ready to use. However, it can be wiped cleaned with a wet cloth if required. REMEMEBER: Don’t submerse it in water

2025-01-08 03:36:37

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