해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Slingshot,Fishing Slingshot Kit with Reel and 3 Arrowheads,Fishing Slingshot, Wrist Support Rocket Slingshot for Fishing and Hunting,Dual Purpose Slingshot for Hunting

상품번호 B0B8VM5JLK
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상품가격 $31.99
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√This slingshot has two gameplay options. Install the fishing reel and it will be an excellent fishing slingshot. We also offer three fish darts as a gift, so you can go to the river to shoot fish. When you remove the fishing reel, it will turn into a powerful hunting slingshot again. You can put on the hunting Slingshot rubber band we come with, pick up mud balls, steel balls, and small stones to shoot. Very powerful, please pay attention to safety.√Reliable Hand Support. When fishing or hunting, the support arm adds extra stability. The wrist brace protects your hand while standardizing operating gestures. It also keeps the line from getting tangled, making fishing easier. There are two magnet tabs on the leather hand guard to hold steel balls (NOT included) for ease of use.√Fishing Slingshot with Reel. This professional wrist rocket slingshot comes with an easy-to-use fishing reel, a base to fix the fishing reel, and stainless steel fishing darts to help reduce casting time and increase catch rates. Features a fish dart releaser to make bow fishing a breeze.√High-stretch Rubber Band. The elastic tube provides strong power for the slingshot and is resistant to wear and tear for outdoor use. Three single-strand rubber bands and one three-strand rubber band are ready for easy replacement. It is ideal for fishing, rabbit hunting, target shooting competitions, and other activities.√What’s in the package: 1 x professional slingshot(Black or gold is for your choice.). 1 x fishing reel. 1 x fishing reel base. 1 x clip. 3 x slingshot rubber bands. 1 x 3-strand rubber tube. 1 x wrist strap. 3 x fishing arrows. 1 x fish dart releaser. 1 x fish dart bag (holds 35 fishing arrows). 1 x screw key. 1 x hand guard (We have two types suitable for left-hander or right-hander).

2024-06-07 12:25:11

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