해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
12V 4Wheels Kids Ride On Truck Car with Remote Control, Powered Electric Car for Kids, w/Spring Suspension,Music, (White)

상품번호 B0B93G68SK
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상품구분 Toys & Games / Tricycles, Scooters & Wagons
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상품가격 $99.99
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【Perfect Gift For Kids】 The ride on car is crafted with a durable PP plastic body and certified by ASTM F963.Meet the market access requirements of the CPSC.Children\'s toy car is the best surprise gift choice for children, strengthen the children\'s mobility, whether it is Christmas, Halloween, birthday, anniversary, etc.Is the best choice, and can be used for a long time.【Powerful 12V Battery Off-Road Truck】This kids ride on truck have unique off-road style and windshield. 2pcs 12V power motor make it easily to ride on different terrains, providing you good driving experience to your kids.The ride on car is equipped with 4 wheels which features excellent wear resistance and slip resistance, so that your kids can drive it on all sorts of ground. Brick road, asphalt road, wood floor, plastic runway and more are permissible.【Kids Driving & Parental Control】The ride-on toy car with 2.4GHz parental remote control lets your kids drive the car manually, and parents can also operate this toy car via the remote control. Two driving modes design can improve the safety while kids driving and avoid potential danger.【Realistic Driving Experience for More Fun】This ride on truck with 2 speed forward shift transmission and reverse gear providing you 1.87mph - 3.7mph. This truck equiped with bright LED headlights,spot lights, rear lights, and music for extra driving fun.【Best Service】 Nitoess always brings the best service to our customers, we will actively and enthusiastically solve your problems and provide advice. If you have questions about the product before you buy, welcome to consult our customer service, or if you encounter any problems after receiving the goods, you can contact us immediately.

2025-01-11 03:06:43

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