해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HEYVALUE Baby Food Maker, 13-in-1 Baby Food Puree Blender for Baby Food, Fruit, Vegatable, Meat, with Food Containers, Baby Food Processor Freezer Tray, Silicone Spoons, Silicone Spatula(Light Green)

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상품가격 $39.99
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【Save Big, Blend Well】This HEYVALUE Baby Gift Set comes with six baby food containers, a freezer tray, two silicone spoons, one silicone spatula, and baby food recipes, eliminating the need to buy them separately. It\'s a must-have for newborns!【Perfect Portions】Crafted from high borosilicate glass and stainless steel, this baby food maker ensures optimal portion control and freezer-friendly storage. All components are BPA-free for your baby\'s safety. Your little one\'s health is our top priority.【One-Step Meal Prep】Featuring six sharp 304 stainless steel blades and a powerful motor, this HEYVALUE baby food maker creates complementary foods of different consistencies with just one button press. Serve your baby\'s meal in seconds!【Effortless Cleaning】Our user-friendly design makes cleaning a breeze for busy moms. This baby food processor is dishwasher-safe, and the mixing bowl lid completely separates the mixing bowl and the machine body, ensuring hygienic, healthy food preparation. Save your precious time!【Introduce Family Flavors】Customize meals with this HEYVALUE baby food maker to familiarize your baby with your family\'s favorite dishes. It\'s perfect for weekly meal preps and a great alternative to store-bought baby food!

2024-02-13 12:44:35

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