해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
RONTEN Human Skull Anatomical Model, Painted Medical Skull 3-Part Removable Skull Cap and Moving Jaw, Display Model for Medical Student Human Anatomy Teaching and Studying(Asia)

상품번호 B0B9RS5LJZ
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【Colored Skull Model】: Resin mold replica is divided into 3 pieces. The cranium, base of the skull, and mandible are separated. For reference-Includes a free human skull diagram showing all detailed structures painted a unique bright color.【Perfect Tool for Teaching and Study】:The medical skull is a perfect research tool for dentistry, nurses, anatomy Neurology drawing artist. Life size with the jaw attached via a spring that allows it to open slightly without detaching.【Medical Quality】: This skull mold is made out of a high quality non-toxic PVC to best resemble human bone. tactile real and suitable weight, will last for years.【Multipurpose】: Suitable for science education laboratories, anthropology, anatomy, medicine, nursing classes, movie props, amusement parks. Also can be used as decorations on bookshelves, desks.【Excellet Customer Service】: 7x24 hours customer services. If you have any questions, We will provide you with timely and efficient after-sale service.
Rich in Product Features: 1. High quality original human skull cast. It can be disassembled into 3-part: Calvaria, Base of Skull, and Mandible. 2. The calvaria is removable to show the internal structure of the skull. 3. The teeth are separated, same as real one, in ceramic white color. 4. The mandible is articulated and removable. 5.Highly accurate representation of the fissures, foramina, processes, sutures etc. 6.This model is a premium, medical quality anatomical model made in non-toxic PVC material design to be easily cleanable and withstand high temperatures. 7. Take your education to the next level. This anatomical replica is perfect for anyone in education or medical field.

2024-11-26 22:01:58

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