해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
100 Pcs Clear Envelopes with Snap Button Closure A4 Letter Size Plastic Envelope Folder Poly Document Envelopes with Button Closure File Folders for School Home Office (Clear,Simple Style)

상품번호 B0BBDS6K1R
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상품가격 $34.99
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100 Pack Envelopes: you will receive 100 piece clear envelope folders with button closure, enough quantity to organize your files to meet your daily needs, you can also share with your friends and colleagues, keep the files organized and work desktop cleanProduct Size: each clear plastic envelope measures about 12.8 x 9.25 inches, suitable for A4 size paper, easy to put documents in and take out, your important documents will not bend or wrinkling, also convenient for you to carry around in your bags without taking up too much spaceButton Closure Design: the A4 size envelope folder designed with snap button, making it easy to open and store files, and the files will not easy to slip out and not easy to lose; The poly envelope is transparent which keeps contents visible, you can easy to find files without opening the envelopeQuality Material and Waterproof: these clear document envelopes are made of quality PP material, which are sturdy and reliable, odorless and waterproof, not easy to tear or break, keep your items organized, providing you with an enjoyable using experienceWidely Application: our poly envelope with snap closures can be applied to hold files, documents, bills, credit cards, stickers, tickets, cards, crafts or notes, suitable for school, office, business travel, home, work, meetings and more

2024-02-14 00:41:35

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