해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Wireless Cat Ear Headphones, Black Gaming Headset Bluetooth 5.0 for Smartphone, Retractable Mic, 50mm Drivers, RGB Lighting Headset with Mic (USB Dongle Not Included)

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상품가격 $79.99
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【Bluetooth&Wired Dual Connection】The wireless headset can quickly connect to the system through Bluetooth 5.0, and achieve a stable connection within 10m. Bluetooth connection compatible with Cell phone/Computer, can play anytime and anywhere. Wired via the included 3.5mm cable for console gaming use(Notes: Wired connection has no lights on the cat ear headset)【Cute Headset with RGB Lights】Gaming headsets use RGB lighting effects on cat ears and earcups, and you can switch between 9 different colors of cool lighting effects just by touching the earcups. Kawaii headset great for gaming setups. Perfect Gift idea for Girls【Virtual 7.1 Surround Sound】The girls gaming headset with mic is equipped with a 50mm speakers and a virtual 7.1 surround sound, providing you with a realistic gaming experience. The retractable microphone can be adjusted at will. Suitable for all kinds of games and different music styles【12 Hours Long Battery Life】Use type-C charging interface, easy to operate. It takes 2.5 hours for a full charge. Bluetooth Headset can be used continuously for about 50h without lighting or about 10-12h with lighting【Lightweight Headset for All-Day Comfort】The ear muffs are made of high-grade soft silicone material, with an ergonomic wearing structure design, which provides a long-time wearing comfort. You not feel any sort of pressure on the sides of your head

2024-07-10 16:38:42

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