해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
MotoTote Mini Electric Bike Rack & Tie Downs Bundle - 200 lbs. Capacity - Made in USA

상품번호 B0BBTRNR24
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상품가격 $539.00
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Heavy duty, USA-Made bike rack for electric bikes, e bikes and fat tire bikesIncludes trusted tie down system: MotoTote SafeLoop Cam Buckle Tie Downs for the front tire & the Ancra Wheel Tie for the back tire.Hauls up to 200 lbs. of bike securely with customizable platform and innovative attachments.Offers maximum stability with adjustable front wheel chock, rear tire holder and wide tie down arms. Fits tires up to 5" wide. trusted tie down system: MotoTote SafeLoop Cam Buckle Tie Downs for the front tire & the Ancra Wheel Tie for the back tire.Attaches securely to any 2” hitch receiver for zero wobble in transit.
This bundle includes the MotoTote Mini & Basic Tie Down Bundle packaged together as a simplified, turn-key offering for electric bike riders. The MotoTote Mini is a scaled down version of our classic motorcycle carriers, designed as a heavy duty bike rack for electric bikes and light motorized bikes. Built on our new 200 lb. rated MTM platform, it offers leading weight support and unrivaled stability versus traditional bike racks. It hauls tire sizes up to 5” in the front and back with its innovative MaxHold Mini Tire Holder and attaches to any 2" receiver, transforming your car truck, van, or RV into the ultimate electric bike hauler.

2024-11-28 18:29:39

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