해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
European Style Ceramic Teapot Coffee Pot Water Pot Porcelain Vintage Gift Tea Pot - Moonlight Rose

상품번호 B0BCH7JP9Z
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상품가격 $26.99
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Capacity -- This Tea Pot includes 1 Teapot (37 oz), With one fill of this teapot, it can refill about 6 teacups. This large capacity teapot will be a good choice for sharing with your family and friends.Design-- From Palais original design, the delicate European style pattern brings elegance and beauty to your home, upgrades the value of the cup and makes it not only work as drink cups or mugs but can double as a centerpiece or display items.Home decoration and collection : European high-grade atmosphere tea pot represent the palace of beauty. Outside the daily use, it\'s the collection and decoration on your table top or cabinet which will upgrade your household tasteMaterial- Made of lead-free, cadmium-free, high-quality porcelain with strong porcelain structure which makes it durable & sturdy for daily use, suitable for cold and hot drinks.A Luxurious Gift – This tea pot is packed in a box specially designed to prevent any collision during delivery. Great for white elephant gifts for adults.

2024-05-14 23:56:45

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