해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
TERIOS Wireless Pro Controller Compatible with PS4 /PS4 Pro/PS4 Slim Console, Gaming Remote with Built-in 800mAh Rechargeable Battery/Precise Joystick/Audio/Turbo/Advanced Buttons Programming (Black)

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상품구분 Video Games / PlayStation 4
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상품가격 $25.99
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【High Compatibility】--This wireless controller for PS4 is fully compatible with PS-4/Slim/Pro game consoles. USB wired connection supports PC(Windows 7/8/8.1/10). They are very easy to pair to your device and provide a stable connection throughout your gaming session. (Note: This controller is compatible with PS4 games on Play-Station 5 console, but Not with PlayStation 5 games)【Built-in Motor & Turbo Function】--Our game controller features enhanced superior double shock that provides an excellent gaming experience with virtually any game. The turbo feature offers you a leading advantage in front of any competitor.【Precise Controller】--The buttons are with high sensitivity and provide an accurate gaming experience. The analog sticks and trigger buttons are responsively and smoothly, which are almost no input lag and drift.【Long Time Playing】--TERIOS controller for PS4 with 800mAh rechargeable battery, requiring only 2-3 hours of charging time and up to 13-15 hours of playtime. Also equipped with 3.5mm stereo headset jack, You can immerse yourself in the game while preventing disturbance to others.【Customer Satisfaction】--We are certain that the Wireless game controller will change your gaming experience forever, the only joystick you will ever want to use again. Because you are our number 1 priority, we are offering premium customer support and a 1-year warranty for a risk-free purchase.

2024-05-16 01:25:59

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