해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Steam Engine Model, KACIO LS1-14 Single Cylinder Reciprocating Steam Engine Kit for 60CM+ Steam Model Ships (Without Boiler)

상품상태 New    
상품구분 Arts, Crafts & Sewing / Model & Hobby Building
브랜드 Brand: DWIU
판매자 미확인
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $551.99
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Copper▶ The surface of body is treated with electrophoresis, which will not fade for a long time.The joint surface is sealed with fluorine rubber ring, which is high temperature resistant and corrosion resistant.▶ The spindle sleeve is made of high hardness of beryllium copper.Integrated CNC steel crankshaft features good stability, high concentricity.▶ Excellent lubrication system: Multi-functional oil cup.Lubrication port is provided for each friction surface.The base is 58mm wide, 87mm long and 110mm high▶ The steam engine can be used as the best power for the model ship above 60CM, supporting positive and negative rotation.Large cylinder diameter and large stroke provide powerful power for the ship.Efficient boiler is recommended for high power. Boiler is not included.▶ Collection or Gift Choice: As a coveted collection, the engine model is worth showing and playing, suitable for personal use and a high-end gift to friends and families at major festivals.
Specifications: .Material: Copper .Model: LS1-14 .Cylinder Diameter: 14.0mm .Stroke: 15.0mm .Spindle Diameter: 5.0mm .Ground Clearance of Spindle Center: 19.0mm .Operating Pressure: 0.1Mpa - 0.8Mpa .Air Pressure Recommended: 0.4Mpa - 0.6Mpa .Intake Connection Thread: M6-0.5 1/4-40 .Product Size: 4.8 x 5.8 x 11cm .Product Weight: 850g .Package Dimensions: 20.5 x 15.5 x 15.5cm .Package Weight: 886g .Packing: Box Package Content: .1Set x Steam Engine Model

2024-05-15 17:06:36

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