해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Tommee Tippee Natural Start Anti Colic BPA Free Silicone Baby Bottles, 9oz, Newborn 0+ Months, Silicone Feels Like Mother's Skin, Slow Flow Breast-Like Teat, Pink and Purple, Pack of 2

상품번호 B0BCSP47LS
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상품가격 $19.49
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Silicone Bottle Feels Like Mother\'s Skin: Our Natural Start Silicone Bottles are soft like a mother\'s skin and helps comfort baby while bottle feedingNatural Latch For Baby: Our silicone bottle nipples are shaped to encourage a natural latch, reducing air intake and preventing nipple confusion when switching between breast, bottle and back again100% Leakproof Bottle to Avoid Messes: When the screw ring, nipple and cap are all secured, your baby bottle is completely mess-free and 100% leakproof, even if it’s turned upside downDesigned For Pace Feeding: The soft silicone nipple flexes and stretches like a breast and allows your baby to feed comfortably at their own pace and stop when fullSelf-Sterilizing Bottles: Tommee Tippee anti-colic bottles can be easily self-sterilized in just three minutes making cleaning quick and convenient for busy moms
Style with substance. Made from soft silicone that’s squeezable and feels comforting with its warm and breast-like feel. Soft, silicone nipple, that flexes and stretches like a breast Anti-colic valve, to keep gas away from baby’s tummy 100% leakproof with the lid (even when upside down) It’s also BPA free

2024-10-02 11:10:13

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