해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Ergonomic Office Chair, High Back Computer Mesh Comfy Office Chairs with Adjustable Rocking Function,350LBS Capacity Office Desk Chair & Home,Bedroom,Study,Student(Blue)

상품번호 B0BD3BBT5S
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상품가격 $102.69
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Balmstar is a professional office chair manufacturer, we produce ergonomic office chairs. This computer chair is ideal for desk chair for long hours and helps reduce discomfort. We sell more than 50,000 ergonomic office chairs on Amazon every year, and our office chairs are highly recognized and satisfied by the majority of consumers. Most of our products have passed BIFMA/SGS certification.The office chair offers 4 support points (head, back, hip, and hands) along with lumbar support. Balmstar has designed the desk chair to cater to various needs best sitting position, featuring adjustable seat height, headrest adjustment, lumbar support, and back support.【Enhance your seating experience】This smart office chair perfectly conforms to your body\'s natural curves, offering a maximum tilt of 135°. The seat can be raised or lowered to accommodate any desk. Whether you are tall or short, you can effortlessly maintain the perfect posture for work or rest.【Comfortable Office Chair】The backrest of the office chair is made of breathable mesh fabric, which has strong tensile strength and can keep the back cool and comfortable. The ergonomic office chair can alleviate fatigue caused by prolonged sitting. The cushion of the computer chair is made of memory foam material, which is both soft and firm, and does not deform from prolonged sitting.【Versatility for Multiple Scenarios and Purposes】Ergonomic office chairs are adaptable and suitable for a variety of settings, including offices, homes, and workstations. These chairs can serve as study chairs, computer chairs, ergonomic chairs, office chair, and task chairs. The armrest can be folded 90° to serve as a cross chair. The ergonomic base rotates 360°, offering users the freedom to turn around while seated, making it incredibly convenient. The wheels of the office desk and chair roll silently in any direction, ensuring smooth movement on hard floors. These quiet wheels are ideal for hard floors and provide smooth movement. The office chair has a maximum load capacity of 350 LB.【Easy Assembly & Lifetime Warranty】Our home office desk chairs are easily assembled in 20 minutes and come with screws, tools, and an installation manual. As a gift for yourself, friends, or family, it\'s the perfect choice. Backed by a lifetime warranty, we will promptly replace the necessary parts for you at no cost if you encounter any quality issues.

2024-09-05 21:58:57

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