해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Kittyhok Solar Home Security Camera System, 4pcs 2k Ultra Solar Security Cameras Wireless Outdoor, Smart Human Detection, Spotlight, Forever Power, 10CH NVR, 60 Days Local Storage, 0 Monthly Fee

상품번호 B0BD4T7FHD
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상품가격 $319.99
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【Forever Power, Solar Style】The power never stops with this security system. Just 3 hours* of direct sunlight each day is enough to continuously power solar camera security outdoor, so you never have to worry about changing the battery. And when night rolls up or a rain shower strikes, the built-in battery keeps the juice flowing.【Active Deterrence】The ultra-bright 600 Lumens spotlight switches on as soon as motion is detected, shining a light on any unwanted guests, while the color night vision picks out details in the darkness up to 8 meters away.【No Hidden Costs】 The wireless security cameras is a one-time purchase. There are no monthly fees or hidden costs. Everything is done on-device for complete security and transparency.【Minimize False Notifications】Always be notified when there is a person on your property with Person Detection. Only receive notifications that are important to you on the Kittyhok app, even while you’re away from home.【Expandable 10CH NVR】NVR supports up to 10 cameras, You can add Battery Camera, 24/7 WiFi Security Camera and PTZ Dome Security Camera, to meet your individual needs

2024-05-16 21:11:37

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