해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
DEVAISE Mobile File Cabinet, Dresser for Bedroom with 3 Drawers, Printer Stand with Fabric Drawers, Vertical Filing Cabinet fits A4 or Letter Size for Home Office, Black

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상품가격 $46.99
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Office & Home Storage Solution: This file cabinet is designed to keep the office machines, paper, files and suppliers organized. It can be fixed beside or under desk.Multifunctional & Stylish: Large wooden top and sturdy steel frame, this office cabinet can also be used as a printer stand with enough space for additional paper or documents. The sleek and modern finish is an easy fit for office or home study.Spacious Storage: Having 2 file drawers for A4 / letter size hanging file folders, the vertical filing cabinet can store large amounts of paperwork while taking up minimal space. And the small drawer on the top can store some messy objects.Easy to Move: Rolling on 4 wheels, this mobile file cabinet can fix or move around your home office freely. Built-in brakes on front 2 casters to keep it in position and add stability. In addition, this file cabinet is equipped with a set of adjusting feet for convenient use in fixed positions.Easy Assembly: Sturdy steel frame with wooden desktop and fabric drawer, provide strong support for storage. This Industrial style filing cabinet will be easy to assemble according to the instructions. If you have quality problems, just contact us.

2024-06-03 07:25:27

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