해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
BURGA Phone Case Compatible with iPhone 14 Plus - Wireless Charging Compatible, Hybrid 2-Layer Hard Shell + Silicone Protective Case, Heavy Duty Protection, Slim Fit, Almond Latte

상품번호 B0BDJ32Z3T
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상품가격 $22.95
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? FRUSTRATED WITH PHONE CASES that are TOUGH TO GET ON & OFF? This phone case is perfectly designed to fit with Apple iPhone 14 PLUS. Install quickly and easily by snapping on the first layer of shock absorbing silicone and then adding the second piece of printed hard plastic shell on top.? THE ULTIMATE ACCESSORY! Your phone goes with you everywhere – and you want CHIC phone cover that looks cute with every outfit. Our exclusive designs are crafted out of SCRATCH-RESISTANT material to keep your cases looking FRESH, GLOSSY & NEW, featuring custom, quality-grade HD PRINTS that will NEVER FADE OR PEEL away. With its COMFY, NEVER-SLIPPERY grip, you’ll love showing off this fierce case! Choose from our many designs – grab your favorites to MATCH EVERY LOOK you rock!? EXCLUSIVE 2-IN-1 PROTECTION SYSTEM – While the average case is made with either plastic or silicone, our phone cover is uniquely designed with both: a DUAL-LAYER HYBRID structure. The inner layer of TPU SILICONE and a tough, military-grade PC OUTER SHELL provides unparalleled SHOCK ABSORPTION, DURABILITY and RUGGED DEFENSE against scratching, shattering, and breakage.✅ EVERY SMARTPHONE NEEDS SCREEN PROTECTION, but many covers don’t provide it. Our case for iPhone 14 PLUS features a 2mm RAISED BEZEL LIP – the secret weapon for avoiding cracked screens – that wraps over the edge of your iPhone, to SAFEGUARD YOUR SCREEN from harm in case of an accident. So you can count on heavy-duty protection in a SLIM, SLEEK PROFILE. Our case is compatible with WIRELESS CHARGING – no need to remove the case!? AT BURGA, WE’RE COMMITTED to making DURABLE, BEAUTIFULLY DESIGNED phone cases that feature the most ADVANCED, INTUITIVE CRAFTSMANSHIP & MATERIALS. We develop our covers for women and men with quality, durability, and style top of mind. Each case for is created to provide you with the CONFIDENCE & PEACE OF MIND that come from carrying a TOP-TIER smartphone cover. If you don’t love your phone case, we’re always here to help.

2024-04-04 19:33:04

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