해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
HEZHEN 270mm Sashimi Knife,Japanese Style Forging Steel Yanagiba Knife,Sushi Knife Filleting Slicing Salmon Cutting Knife,D-Shaped Olive Wood Handle With Wooden Knife Sheath

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상품가격 $65.99
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✅ [Premium Yanagiba Knife] Yanagiba knife is a long slicing knife designed for slicing fish, sushi, or sashimi. It can slice the raw fish or sushi rolls without crushing or tearing their structure because of its special sharpness. Therefore, the professional sashimi knife was invented, which is used as the traditional Japanese knife and an essential tool for many chefs. We believe only with durable and sharp kitchen knives, we can enjoy cooking fun in the kitchen. This knife is one of your ideal choices.✅ [Fine Traditional Craftsmanship] The concave grind (Urasuki) and flat rim (Uraoshi) are the essential traditional process of Japanese knife making. This craftsmanship prevents the food from sticking to the blade, which reduces the extrusion of the food to make the cutting smoother and sharper. The blade is made thinner and thinner from shoulder to point to keep the center of gravity balanced.✅ [High-quality Material of Blade] It is made of X7Cr17MoV forging stainless steel. With high-temperature heat treatment, the Rockwell hardness is stable at 58±2 HRC in higher hardness, better sharpness, and better durability. After the wet manual edge of 15°±1( single-edged blade) of the cutting edge, there is a better balance of sharpness and durability. HEZHEN knives are made by the strict 12 processes to ensure the blade is sharp.✅ [Well-Balanced Olive Wood Handle] Olive wood as solid wood is famous for its high hardness, bright color, clear and beautiful texture, which is a noble tree species in Europe. After many times of manual grinding and processing, the workmanship is delicate. The stainless steel gasket and G10 gasket make its appearance more coordinated. The design conforms to ergonomic mechanics and the touch is more comfortable.✅ [Reliable Quality Assurance] Buying HEZHEN knives directly has a lifetime warranty guarantee. If there are any problems with our items or services, please do not hesitate to contact us in advance. HEZHEN brand knives are always recommended by well-known chefs.

2024-02-13 09:31:47

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