해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NiSi 67mm Swift System 1-9 VND Kit | 1-5 Stop True Color Variable Neutral Density Filter with Friction-Mounted ND16 (4-Stop) | Adjustable ND, Nano-Coated Optical Glass | Photography and Videography

상품번호 B0BF51PY4Z
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상품가격 $249.00
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ACCURATE COLOR REPRODUCTION: Elevate your camera photography with this variable ND filter, featuring HD-quality optical glass and true color film to deliver vivid, accurate colors without the hassle of color shifting. Designed for seamless use in both photography and videography equipment, it enhances your shots, minimizes post-processing for color correction, and brings precision to your camera lens. A must-have in photography and camera accessories for photography, ideal for all creators!LIGHT CONTROL MASTERY: Achieve cinematic precision with the True Color Variable ND Filter—your essential tool for creative photography and videography equipment. This versatile camera accessory smoothly reduces light from 1 to 5 stops, giving you the freedom to capture stunning shots even in shifting light. Compatible with diverse camera lenses, this ND filter enhances exposure control for every setting, making it ideal for all photography props.SWIFT 4-STOP REDUCTION: Enhance your camera photography with the ND16 filter, a prime addition to photography accessories that enables creative light control. This camera lens filter seamlessly attaches to the variable ND filter for 6-9 stop exposure reduction, delivering flexibility and precision for both photos and videos. Use independently with the Swift adapter (sold separately) to expand your camera accessories for stunning photography and videography equipment setups.CLEAR IMAGE QUALITY: Eliminate unwanted vignetting with this advanced camera accessory designed to stack seamlessly at 18mm on your camera lens without compromising image clarity. While the variable ND filter reduces light precisely, it’s essential to test your camera photography setup at wider focal lengths, as slight vignetting may appear. A must-have for videography equipment and photography enthusiasts seeking sharp, vibrant shots using quality photography props and camera lenses.STEADY FRICTION MOUNT: Keep your camera lens secure with the NiSi Swift filter’s pressure mount, ensuring a stable hold without the hassle of magnets. Designed for seamless shooting in any environment, this camera photography tool is ideal for videography equipment and photography props, allowing you to capture vivid, blur-free images. Suitable for professionals and hobbyists alike, it’s a must-have among photography accessories and camera accessories for videography.SEAMLESS FILTER EXPANSION: The NiSi Swift System offers effortless filter adaptability, ideal for creative photography and videography needs. This camera accessory uses a unique pressure-mount design that lets you quickly expand options by attaching extra Swift filters (sold separately) onto the Variable ND filter. Enhance your camera lenses with tools that cater to diverse lighting conditions, essential for both photography accessories and videography equipment setups.

2025-01-07 00:20:57

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