해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
SHEWIN Women's Oversized Casual Pullover Long Sleeve Split Hem Drawstring Hoodies Dress With Kangaroo Pocket

상품번호 B0BF9VD5XL
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상품가격 $39.99
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Product Parameters: Brand: SHEWIN Product Model: Long sleeve oversized hoodie dress Material: Made with high-quality fabric for a soft, comfortable, and warm feel Design: Features a drawstring hood, split hem, and a kangaroo pocket for added convenience Product Highlights: 1. Fashionable Oversized Design: This SHEWIN women\'s oversized pullover sweatshirt is designed for a trendy and relaxed look. The loose fit and oversized style provide a comfortable and fashionable fit. 2. Versatile Hoodie Dress: This versatile dress can be worn as a sweatshirt or a dress, making it perfect for various occasions. Whether you\'re lounging at home, running errands, or going out with friends, this hoodie dress is a stylish choice. 3. Practical Kangaroo Pocket: The kangaroo pocket adds functionality to the sweatshirt dress, allowing you to store small essentials or keep your hands warm. 4. Split Hem Detail: The split hem design adds a unique touch to the dress, enhancing its visual appeal and providing extra comfort and ease of movement. 5. Adjustable Drawstring Hood: The drawstring hood allows for personalized fit and style, providing warmth and protection from the elements. Usage Scenarios: 1. Casual Everyday Wear: This oversized pullover hoodie dress is perfect for casual outings and everyday wear. Pair it with leggings or jeans for a comfortable and stylish look. 2. Outdoor Activities: The versatile design of this hoodie dress makes it suitable for outdoor activities such as hiking, camping, or picnics. Stay warm and fashionable during your adventures. 3. Street Style: Stand out from the crowd with this trendy oversized hoodie dress. Combine it with sneakers and accessories to create a chic and fashionable street-style look.

2024-10-31 01:05:51

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