해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
53 Slots USB and SD Card Case for 18 Flash Drive 8 Mini Driver 9 SD and 18 Micro SD Card,USB Drive Case Hard,Shockproof Water-Resistant,Pen Drive Case USB Flash Drive Thumb Drive Storage Organizer

상품번호 B0BF9Y2N9C
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상품가격 $19.99
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【High CAPACITY】:The usb thumb drive case can storage usb drive x 18,mini usb driver x 8,SD / SDHC / SDXC Card x 9, Micro SD /Micro SDHC/Micro SDXC x 18.The large usb storage case is design for SanDisk/ for Samsung/ for Pnstaw/ for Netac/ for Micro/ for PNY/ for TOPESEL/ for Aiibe/ for mosDART 8GB 16GB 32GB 64GB 128GB 256GB and more usb memory stick, sd card, thumb drives, pen drives, jump drives.【Hard PC Shell Thumb Drive Case】:The usb jump drive organizer is made of high quality PC material, sturdy and durable.The interior sponge cushion also can effectively prevent your USB flash drives from damaging, protecting them away from scratches. and usb pens drive lock is closed firmly and can be easily opened with fingers.【Suitable for most sizes of memory sticks】:The precise card slot inside the foam makes it easy to put and take out. Two sizes of slots are suitable for various USB sticks, large size ≤0.8 * 0.5 * 0.25 inches, small size≤0.55 * 0.3 * 0.25 inches.【Comes with Number Stickers】:Package includes notepaper and number stickers for you to better organize your USB flash drives and cards.Clean your mess drawer and help you can easy find the flash drive you need. ******NOTE:USB FLASH DRIVE NOT INCLUDED******【Water-resistant & Shockproof】:The jump drive organizer can protect your thumb drive/jump drive/pen drive from dust, moisture, shock and water splashing. Provide your usb flash drive with a better protection.

2024-05-16 23:13:57

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