해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
4 Inch LED Pod Lights with Red Side Shooter dual-color DRL working strobe lights and switch for Truck SUV Off-Road ATV UTV 4x4

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상품가격 $34.99
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【2 IN 1 Functional Design】 6 Cubic Spotlights can provide more than 180 degrees of angle lighting coverage, provide DRL sport work pods light in front. 6 side shooter pods light LED-equipped on both sides( 3 LED on each side) cover both sides 30 degrees, eliminate blind areas of vision, 2 in 1 design provides optional daytime running lights and strobe functions, allow you working in multiple tasks.【9 Strobe Patterns】Up to 9 patterns strobe functions, including steady-burning, rotating, and alternating patterns, this light has the last pattern memory recall function to save your time, control with 15-ft cord built-in power flash pattern switch, easy and convenience.【High-Quality Material】Solid Aluminum alloy housing design can provide with best efficient heat dissipation ability, come with IP67 level waterproof, dustproof, and shock resistance, you can use more than 30,000 hours lifespan.【Wide Application】 This dual side shooter led light pod can fit most vehicles with adjustable mounting brackets universal for DC10-30V plug-in power source. Such as Trucks, Offroad vehicles, 4x4, Jeep, Toyota, SUV, Mining, Boating, Farming, Heavy Duty, etc【Easy Installation】The package included 2 Side Shooter LED lights, 2 x Mounting Brackets, easy install and aim your light beam at the position you needed, can be mounted to bull bar, grille, bumper, hood, windshield frame, A-pillar, or roof rack.

2024-06-03 21:18:56

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