해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Automatic Vacuum Switch Allow Power Tool/Table Saw to Turn Vac Cleaner/Accessory On and Off Automatically, Load Sensing, On Delay Prevent Circuit Overload, Shop Dust Collector Off Delay

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상품구분 Tools & Home Improvement / Power & Hand Tools
브랜드 Brand: senctrl
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $29.99
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NEW GENERATION: Add a manual switch to support three vacuum run modes: Auto, Off and On. You can not only turn the vacuum on/off automatically with the power tools, but also manually turn the vacuum on/off all time according to your actual condition.HIGH-QUALITY MATERIALS: Adopt 19.7 inch UL-certified US standard 14AWG power cord which allow passage with a large current more than 30A. Durable PC+ABS V0 grade flame retardant material case, reduce heat during use and extend service life.TURN ON DELAY. Load Sensing Technology. If the load connected to the \'TOOL\' port exceeds 30W, the vacuum connected to the \'VAC\' port will automatically delay 1s to start, which helps prevent circuit overloaded by large current if tool and vacuum power-on at the same time.SHUT OFF DELAY: Automatically delay vacuum turn-off by 7s to continue clearing the remaining airborne debris after the load connected to the \'TOOL\' port has stopped. Saving time and electricity, reducing airborne toxin and work area noise that can lead many health problems.COMPATIBILITY: Support a wide range of cutting tools from handheld devices to large shop saws such as table saw, miter saw, track saw, chop saw, sander, router table, planers, shopvac, remote control outlet, automated vacuum switch, dust collection systems for woodworking and etc. Power rating should not exceed 120 VAC, 15 Amp, 60 Hz, 1875w.WHAT YOU GET: Senctrl automatic vacuum switch (AVS2000), welcome guide, our worry-free 12-month warranty, and friendly customer service.

2025-01-09 14:33:02

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