해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
NORTHYARD Men's Athletic Running Shorts Quick Dry Workout Shorts 7"/ 5"/ 9" Lightweight Sports Gym Basketball Shorts Hiking

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상품가격 $26.99
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NORTHYARD High-performance Men\'s Athletic Hiking Workout Gym Sports Shorts Running Inseam: 7" Premium Fabric: Super 4 Way Stretch/ Moisture Wicking/ Fast Drying/ Lightweight/ Breathable-Men\'s athletic hiking shorts is made of materials that allow airflow and prevent hot air from getting trapped next to your skin.The shorts fabric is breathable and quick dry, dries fast so you won’t get soggy. A blend of polyester and spandex can be very durable, abrasion-resistant, and stretchy enough to allow for better mobility Personalise Features: and ventilated side design for added breathability in hot weather. Elastic waistband with drawstring for customized fit, flatlock seams reduce chafe for additional comfort and ease of movement.The small reflective strips on the back make you stylish and safe in low light Fabric offering 50+ UPF Water Resistance & UPF 50+: Water resistant fabric offers protection against liquids and dries quickly to stay dry and cool.Stretch fabric build-in UPF 50+ let you move comfortably and provide great protection against harmful ultraviolet rays 3 Zippered pockets These men\'s track running shorts feature conveniently placed and easily accessible pockets so that you can quickly store and retrieve your hiking accessories. The 2 side and 1 back pockets with zipper offer easy storage for your essentials and are also deep enough to prevent the items from falling out during activities. Versatile :NORTHYARD workout gym training shorts are suitable for various occasions such as hiking, walking around town,travel, fishing, workout, biking, golf sports and home casual wear ; suitable for different conditions and environments

2024-07-11 10:35:49

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