해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Alpine Cuisine 12-Quart Stainless Steel Kitchen Mixing Bowls, Salad Bowls Heavy Duty Deeper Edge, Dishwasher Safe Storage Bowls, Premium Polished Mirror Prep Bowls for Cooking & Serving

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상품가격 $27.99
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ELEGANT STAINLESS STEEL MIXING BOWL: The Alpine Cuisine mixing bowl in stainless steel features a timeless design for enduring use. With a flat base for added stability, it is the ideal size for folding batters and mixing dough. Complete dough bowl set Ideal for meal prep, or making pancakes, our 6-piece nesting mixing bowls add convenience and versatility to your kitchen.NEST TO SAVE SPACE: These salad bowls or serving bowls nest together easily and provide efficient storage, which reduces clutter in kitchen cabinets. The mixing bowls for kitchen are great for storing ingredients and leftovers because they can be used in dishwashers, refrigerators, freezers, and preheated ovens. Mix up your favorite recipes with these quality stainless steel bowls.VERSATILE USE: Use these bowls for kitchen to mix salads, marinate meat for baking or grilling, make tasty sauces and dressings, and more. We\'ve seen them used as well for popcorn, fruit snacks, ice cream, and much more. You\'ll want more than one of these high-rimmed stainless steel bowl set because they make it easy to mix batter and crack eggs, among other kitchen tasks.SANITARY AND SIMPLE TO CLEAN: The dishwasher is safe and the premium stainless steel metal cooking bowls are clean and safe because they don\'t harbor, or dour. The ideal marinade for meats for a backyard barbecue. It is advised to hand wash bowls set to extend their life. These stainless steel bowls have a flat base for stability and a wide flat rim for an easy.GREAT CUSTOMER SERVICE: We are committed to providing you with high-quality products. The construction of kitchen bowls is strong and maximum durability, is not bent or rusted, and can last a long time. If you have any questions after purchase of salad serving bowl, you can contact us at any time, we are happy to provide you with services. Your 100% satisfaction is our pursuit.
Alpine Cuisine\'s Stainless Steel Mixing Bowls: Alpine Cuisine Stainless Steel Kitchen mixing bowls set are a great option if you want a mixing bowl that is both high quality and lightweight for use in any commercial or home kitchen. When compared to common bowls, these ones are superior in terms of quality, appearance design, and great functionality. simple to clean, simple to stack, difficult to break if dropped, and difficult to dent Without a doubt, Alpine Cuisine Stainless baking bowls are what you\'re looking for. Get a subscription today as a treat for yourself. These bowls will be your favorite when you\'re doubling up on those recipes. It\'s constructed of stainless steel for durability and temperature retention. The immense capacity is perfect for mixing large quantities of batter or preparing a family-sized salad. Put these stainless mixing bowls in the freezer for a few minutes prior to use and you will find your cream will whip much more quickly. This bowl is very versatile, has a flat base for stability, and is even dishwasher safe. Mix up the biggest culinary creations with this large bowl. PRODUCT FEATURES: Nesting bowls for space-saving Stain-Resistant Easy-to-Clean Space-Saving Stackable Design Rust Resistant and Dishwasher Safe High-quality, heavy-gauge stainless steel Professional Home Kitchen Mixing Bowls Attractive Kitchen, Sleek Polished Mirror Finish Commercial Restaurant Quality Salad Bowls Your Way, In Your Kitchen: Everything in your kitchen should make food preparation and cook conveniently. Functionality is important, but you also want versatility and style. But quality is important. With Alpine Cuisine\'s superior stainless steel mixing bowl set, you\'ll feel like a pro. This six-piece set was created to give your kitchen complete functionality, form, and style. You\'ll appreciate how easy storage and cleanup are as well as how baking, measuring, and mixing can all be done in one neat bowl.

2024-07-11 04:51:35

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