해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
2.7K Digital Camera Kids Camera Digital Point and Shoot Camera (Pink)

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상품가격 $39.99
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?【HD 2.7K 44MP Digital Camera】This point and shoot digital camera supports shooting HD 2.7K video and 44 Megapixel crystal-clear images. Besides, the camera for kids also supports 16X Zoom, you can magnify photos by press the W/T, allowing you a clearer view of distant objects. This compact camera is perfect for kids who love photography it will leave impressive moments for your child.?【Designed for Kids & Easy to Use】This portable camera has simplified menus designed for kids and beginner photographers, just press "Mode" to switch between Photo/Recording mode. Pause function enables you pause the recording and continue from where you stopped without starting a new file, easier for kids to operate.?【Compact Camera with Anti-Shake】The kids camera is small and lightweight, children can easily hold the digital camera or put it in their pocket. In addition, this digital camera for photography has an anti-shake function that effectively reduces shake and helps children take clear pictures, which is ideal for kids to capture exciting moments and improve their photography skills.?【Live Streaming & Video Calls】The vlogging camera can be used as a webcam, you can video chat with family or friends as well as live on social media. Just connect it with the computer and press the "PC Camera" button, then it will on the webcam mode. Built-in flash light, you can turn on according to the needs of the scene.?【Multifunction Digital Camera & Warranty】 This digital camera is a perfect gift for kid, teens, students, and beginners. It supports continuous shooting, self-timer, face detect, smile capture, anti-shake, webcam, pause function, data stamp, ect. We provide 1 year technical support. If you have any problems with this pocket camera, you can contact us for a replacement or a full refund.

2024-06-03 10:07:10

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