해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Liquid-O-Ring HT-1800 Pure Copper Anti-Seize Lubricant (8oz) – Lead and Graphite Free, High Pressure and Temperature, Made in The USA

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APPLICATIONS - HT-1800, an Oil Center Research product, may be used for applications to all metals and may be used on studs, bolts, threaded connections, gaskets, keyways, flanges, dies, and in other applications where protection against corrosion, leakage, or damage is of ultimate importance.DURABLE - The anti-seize HT-1800 will not run or drip and maintains its anti-seize qualities under extreme torque yet breaks out readily without galling or damaging the threads. It also will not separate, harden, settle, or dry out during storage.HIGH-TEMPERATURE AND PRESSURE RATINGS - Applications of HT-1800, a high-temperature anti-seize compound manufactured with the highest quality copper dust, can be done at temperatures up to 1800F (982C). HT-1800 can also be used for high pressure applications due to its extreme pressure properties.PREVENTS METAL-TO-METAL CONTACT - HT-1800 prevents metal-to-metal contact where it\'s applied.RESISTS WASHOUT AND SALT WATER - HT-1800 resists water washouts and salt water.UNAFFECTED BY ACIDS - HT-1800 is unaffected by acids, oils, caustics, and most solvents.LEAD/GRAPHITE FREE - Lead and graphite are not contained within HT-1800.NON-CORROSIVE - HT-1800 is a non-corrosive anti-seize compound.MADE IN THE USA - HT-1800 is made in the USA by Balmar, an Oil Center Research Company.

2024-05-15 05:23:01

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