해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Double Head LED Desk Lamp with Clamp, Eye Protection Architect Tall Modern Table Lamps, 24W Brightest 5 Color Modes and Dimmable Workbench Office Light for Monitor Studio Reading

상품번호 B0BG556TZ8
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상품가격 55.99
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Wide Illumination, Tall Hose and Super Bright: Double head design, which can be folded, the longest length could reach 30inches. The body of this lamp is 31inches length, tall enough to meet all your demand. Moreover, 24W LED light bar brighten up your workbench. It is the best working light for home or officeDurable & Adjustable: this lamp is made of aluminum alloy + silicone + ABS, which is durable, sturdy and pleasant to the touch. The flexible gooseneck hose brings adaptable tallness alteration achieving the light reach everywhere you want when workingNo Flicking, Eye-protection: this task lamp is made of high quality LED chips, which emits soft bright light without flickering, relieves your eye-fatigue from long-time work and readingMulti Lighting Modes: When you press the cycle button, the color temperature changes from cool to warm. The plus and minus button is in charge of 5 brightness levels, the different lighting point choices for ideal illumination while working, reading, crafting, painting, sewing and so onTall and Large Clip On LED Lamp, Easy to Install: the clamp made of painted metal is big enough and designed with multiple holes, you can claw it the position you want, perfect match the large workbench, drawing table, architect desktop or use as multi-screen monitor light bar at home or office

2024-07-10 17:17:26

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