해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Pitroad JBM07 1/350 Skywave Series SS-501 Soryu Semi-Painted Finished Product, Molded Color

상품번호 B0BG6YDQ9G
상품상태 New    
상품구분 Arts, Crafts & Sewing / Model & Hobby Building
브랜드 Brand: ピットロード(PIT-ROAD)
판매자 Amazon
판매자위치 미확인

상품가격 $50.54
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Assembly Required Kit1/350 scale painted semi-finished productProduct Size: Total Length: Approx. 9.4 inches (240 mm)Various perspectives on the sail can be recreated in deployment stateRecreates the sound absorbing tile of the hull and sail
"Soryu" is the first submarine made in Japan equipped with AIP non-atmospheric dependent propulsion. The AIP system adopts a sterling agency. In addition, it is also equipped with the Jits\'s first permanent magnet synchronous motor. Furthermore, it uses lead-acid batteries for high-speed navigation and diesel electric systems for watercrafts. The hull is a cigar type similar to the "treat" model, but the rudder uses an X-rudder with high water movement and low risk of breakage, and the upper structure also has a sound-absorbing tile. The sail front base is also streamlined, giving it a different appearance from the existing shipment. The ship name uses the first name of the Maritime Self-Defense Forces "Zuyu (auspicious animal)", and "Soryu" is also called "Blue Dragon" which is one of the four gods of the four gods. Among the 12 "Soryu" models of the 11 ship "Ouru" and the 12th ship "Toryu" (Reiwa 2) comes with a lithium-ion storage battery instead of the AIP system and lead acid batteries, which are designed to further improve the underwater performance. 1/350 scale pre-painted semi-finished product. The various perspectives on the sail can be recreated in the deployment state. Includes decals with a total of 12 designs including "Soryu", "Hakuryu", "Zuryu", "Koryu", "Jinryu", "Sekyu", "Seiguru", "Poryu", and "Toryu". The ship number and ship name markings are not painted, so please use the included decals and finish it yourself. Full hull model. Includes 1 piece. Product Size: Total Length: Approx. 9.4 inches (240 mm). The image shows the SS-501 "Sorry" decal. This product is a kit that requires assembly. Adhesives and tools are required for assembly. This product does not include any adhesives, paint, tools, or batteries.

2024-05-15 16:23:14

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