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My Little Pony Toys, Sunny's Playset Reveal, 25-Inch-Tall Transforming Doll Playsets and Interactive Toys for 5 Year Old Girls & Boys (Amazon Exclusive)

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상품가격 $99.99
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2-IN-1 PLAYSET: This Sunny\'s Playset Reveal toy converts from a large pony to an entertainment-inspired playset! Comes with a 3-inch Sunny Starscout My Little Pony doll25-INCH-TALL PONY DOLL PLAYSET: Toy starts as a 22-inch-tall My Little Pony figure. Kids can pull the handle and open the playset to turn it into a 25-inch-tall Crystal Brighthouse30 ACCESSORIES: Includes some accessories with interactive parts such as a refrigerator that opens and closes, crafting table that pops open with the push of a button, and movable slide with pool12 ROOMS AND 5 LEVELS: Large-scale playset has lots of different rooms and levels for decorating and inspiring kids\' imaginationsLIGHT-UP TOY CRYSTAL: At the top of the Crystal Brighthouse is the Unity Crystal accessory inspired by the My Little Pony: Make Your Mark show! Press the button to activate its multicolor lightsGREAT GIFTS FOR GIRLS AND BOYS: Interactive toys make great birthday or holiday gifts for 5 year old girls and boys and up who like imaginative play!
Experience a pony-to-playset discovery with My Little Pony Sunny\'s Playset Reveal! In one form, this My Little Pony toy is a 22-inch-tall Sunny Starscout pony figure. In a few steps, kids can convert Sunny into a 25-inch-tall Crystal Brighthouse playset! Giant My Little Pony playset has 12 rooms and 5 levels inspired by the location in entertainment. Comes with 30 accessories, including some interactive pieces, and a 3-inch Sunny Starscout figure! Poseable Sunny figure can hold some plug-in accessories with her hoof. Accessories and play areas are great for sparking kids\' imaginations. and This My Little Pony set is compatible with other My Little Pony 3-inch figures (Each sold separately. Subject to availability.) My Little Pony toys for 5 year old girls and boys and up make great holiday or birthday gifts for kids! Requires 3 AAA batteries. Not included. Adult assembly required. MY LITTLE PONY and HASBRO all related trademarks and logos are trademarks of Hasbro, Inc.

2024-04-04 20:03:59

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