해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
Parker Baby Diaper Caddy - Nursery Storage Bin and Car Organizer for Diapers and Baby Wipes - Regular, White

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상품가격 $19.95
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ESSENTIAL STORAGE BASKET FOR NEWBORN PRODUCTS - The Parker Baby Diaper Caddy (patented) is versatile enough for all that baby stuff: baby toys, diapers, baby clothes, baby wipes, bibs, onesies, baby toys, cloth diapers, changing pads, medicine, burp cloths and other baby essentials! Large enough for dozens of diapers and most wipes dispensers.REMOVABLE ORGANIZER INSERT - Remove the diaper organizer insert to use as a toy storage bin, baby hamper or nursery basket for additional nursery storage. Our lightweight, portable diaper caddy is 13 x 9 x 7" (Regular Size) and made of soft felt and features sturdy outer pockets for additional baby storage.DESIGNED TO COMPLIMENT YOUR NURSERY DECOR - Our diaper caddy basket is designed with neutral grey colors to look good in any room. It looks good on your changing table, on top of a dresser or next to the diaper pail and is an essential item for your diaper changing station. Easily move the tote around using the long handle.MULTI PURPOSE KIT - With multiple compartments, you can easily store all of your breast pump and breast pump parts, use as a car organizer, store all those bath products or place bedside to make things easier to find during those late night feedings.THOUGHTFUL BABY SHOWER IDEA - The Parker Baby Diaper Caddy is a practical gift and should be on every baby registry. It makes for a great baby gift!

2024-06-07 00:56:49

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