해외구매대행 N0.1 쇼핑365
AstroAI Tire Inflator Air Compressor Portable 150PSI Metal Cylinder Fast Inflation Pump 12V DC with LED Light for Cars, Bicycles, Other Inflatables, Car Accessories JY21P160-12

상품번호 B0BGRD7L99
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상품가격 $28.99
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Highly Efficient and Durable with 1Min Fast Inflation: This compressor’s metal gear and cylinder provides better performance than a plastic cylinder, delivering a 30% longer service life, an up to 15-minute continuous working time , and can inflate more tires. After 15 minutes of continuous work, the air compressor should be cooled down for 10 minutes before running again. It can inflate a 195/65/R15 tire from 30 PSI to 36 PSI in one minute and from 0 PSI to 36 PSI in 5 minutes.Highly Accurate TrueGauge Display: With AstroAI\'s specialized TrueGauge technology, this tire inflator includes a more accurate sensor that is capable of collecting pressure data with a higher valid data rate, achieving 60% higher accuracy.Automatic Filling Shutoff & LED Light: The portable air compressor’s screen will display both preset tire pressure and real-time pressure. The inflator will automatically shut off when it reaches the preset value, no more worrying about overinflation and no need to monitor the entire process. Hold the unit switch button to turn on the light, it makes inflating and changing tires in the dark much easier.3-Meter Cord & Convenient Storage: Its 9.84 foot (3-meter) power cord is long enough to reach all your car tires. The compressor\'s power cord and accessories can be stored inside the air compressor to save space. Its compact size makes it easy to store in cars, motorcycles, and backpacks so you can take it anywhere, anytime!Easy to Use & Buy with Confidence: It’s easy to operate even for beginners. It inflates any Schrader Valve on cars, motorcycles, bicycles, balls and more. Note: If the compressor does not have power after inserting the cigarette lighter into the socket, please plug it again or adjust the angle to avoid poor contact. The package includes 1 AstroAI air compressor, 2 air nozzle cones, 1 needle valve adapter, 1 replacement fuse, 1 Presta to Schrader adapter, and 1 user manual.

2025-01-07 11:56:56

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